The John M. Park, M.D., Lectureship in Joy of Medicine
Donate To This Campaign
To show appreciation for Dr. John Park’s impact as a pediatric urologist at the University of Michigan, we are embarking on a fundraising campaign to raise $500,000 to endow The John M. Park, M.D. Lectureship in Joy of Medicine. During his almost 40 years at Michigan, countless acts of kindness, compassion and courage embodied by his patients and their families, colleagues, hospital staff, residents and students have created the joy and gratitude which drove Dr. Park to be the surgeon and leader he is known to be. His humility, devotion, and respect for others are unmatched.
Please join us in honoring Dr. John Park. Your generous gift will allow us to fulfill Dr. Park’s wish to give back to the hospital and to celebrate those who bring joy to the field of medicine. If donations to the Park Lectureship grow beyond the initial goal, an endowed professorship in Dr. Park’s name will be established if the fund meets the criteria required to create a professorship.
If you have questions about this campaign or would like to explore alternate methods of giving (gifts of stock, IRA gifts, wire transfers), please contact Jason Keech, Associate Director of Development for Urology, at or (734) 763-0866.